Hawkesbury Gazette

Best videos from around Australia for December 5, 2021

Emma Horn
December 5 2021 - 7:00am
VIDEOS OF THE WEEK: Welcome to the 'windiest place on earth' (top), healthcare workers collab to release hot new song (right top), storms roll in (left bottom) and the pup in the palliative care unit (right bottom).
VIDEOS OF THE WEEK: Welcome to the 'windiest place on earth' (top), healthcare workers collab to release hot new song (right top), storms roll in (left bottom) and the pup in the palliative care unit (right bottom).

Omicron arrived in Australia and dominated the 24 hour news cycle this week.

Emma Horn

Emma Horn

Supervising producer

Supervising producer of the national video team. Former features and weekender writer for The Daily Advertiser. Now based in the NSW Hunter region. Small, quiet, and a student of the Julie Bishop School Of Staring. Usually dressed in something colourful, always snacking on something homemade. Friend to most mothers and all dogs. Got stories? Get in touch. emma.horn@austcommunitymedia.com.au